Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Balance of Systems (BOS) Discussion for Solar PV

Key to a successful Solar PV installation is the Balance of Systems (BOS) that connects all the various individual elements to form the working system.

There is tremendous opportunity for Solar PV technology in the coming millennium as we race towrds using up the fossil fuel supply.

Since BOS constitutes 30~40% of the cost of the overall system, it is essential to know the elements of the BOS well and optimize.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Time to cherish and contemplate

It is that time of the year when most spend time with family and loved ones to enjoy and be grateful. To recollect the happenings and events of the year and contemplate about the future.

The ebbs and lows, followed by wonderment about what holds ahead as time moves on. This is the song of life we all live in and participate.

Eternal hope and a grateful heart will always triumph. Have a great holiday season and good tidings.